Friday 23 November 2012

day one results

OK day one went well pretty much stuck to the schedule and tasks  set myself  with the exception of swimming as Thursday my nephew gets out of school early and have decided to use this to spend time with them / stop them driving there nan crazy

woke up before the alarms at 8 20 but waited till about 8 45 before having the breakfast shake

took my tablets when the alarm went off I have added iron tablets  to  the growing list of  things to take

did full 40 minute  exercise session I have found that watching  some sort of light TV show wile on bike makes the time go faster at the moment I have chosen live at the Apollo  as it lasts 43 minutes although keeping a steady breathing rhythm wile in stitches of laughter is obviously challenging so may have to reconsider show choice did experience some nausea after my exercise  for a few minutes  I am told this is normal for some one in a unfit condition as myself and to help relive this feeling my sitting crouched over till it eases

I had lunch later than planned at around 2 pm rather than the planed 1 pm this is because strangely I found that although slightly hungry was not that much that I felt I needed to have my shake.  looking back now I feel  maybe I should of had it at the time planned

as I have said swimming was not planned for today  but I have found that my swimming is closed between 2 pm and 3 pm for school swimming so I am re-scheduling that alarm so that I go swimming at 3 30 pm  this said my nephew engaged me in play fighting that he always loses but seemingly is good enjoyable exercise

tea was near on time and consisted two grilled skinless chicken breast two pieces of bread an BBQ sauce for bit of added extra taste  I am aware that bread is an evil invention but couldn't think of anything else at the time  I have now considered a pita bread  as this I am told is a better choice

as I was at my sisters and I had forgot to take one with me I did not  have my evening nature valley bar snack but my sister aka the evil temptation person did  give me 5 of the small celebration chocolate sweets must strengthen my will against these temptations

in summery the day did go well  few things to consider and alter in the up coming days need to try and avoid evil temptation lady's chocolate's although they were small and I did limit myself to just them and i did not have my planned evening snack so it kinda evens out in my head sort of   I did feel good and was tired at the end of the day so getting to sleep was easy  swimming on day 2 we will see how that goes as I haven't been much in years as I get very embarrassed and try an avoid it even though it was one of my Favourite activity's as a child and young teen

this is Kelvin O'Riley and my weight loss progress signing off on day one

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